Providers management seeks to simplify the system to gain in effectiveness and efficiency, with a primary essential component in economic terms.


Providers governance is an essential activity in the proper management of any organization whose business model needs key partners to develop a mature IT life cycle and continuous improvement.

Providers management, directed from the quality’s point of view, determines that the organization will take the best economic and process model, so that the choice and supervision of providers becomes relatively comparable to process improvement: unnecessary providers will disappear, providers that do not add value reduce their participation, and automation providers find their focus on real repetitive tasks.

Within this service, several levels of management and control can be included:

  • Development provider test monitoring. The objective of this activity is to ensure that the tests performed by the development provider have been completed with the necessary levels of coverage and qualityprior to the delivery to the customer. This section includes activities such as the quality and coverage review of the test designs, the quality analysis of the documentation generated, the evidence analysis or the sampling of the tests performed.
  • Monitoring, from an independent point of view, of the software quality assurance activities responsible for Development, either in isolation or integrated with the rest of the QA/QC activities to be performed during the entire development life cycle.
  • Prediction of the expected volume of tests and faultsand analysis of the results obtained, which helps to identify risks associated with the existence of latent faults that may appear in late stages of development or even in production.