
MTP is convinced that the only way to achieve a competitive advantage is through innovation. Thus, in 2014, MTP created its R&D&i department focused on the research of wireless sensor networks (currently part of the IoT – Internet of Things world) and tools for improving the reliability of HW/SW systems.


“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”

Albert Einstein


MTP continues to innovate continuously and is now focused on research and innovation in software quality engineering (SW Quality Engineering) by incorporating mechanisms of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Business Intelligence. R&D&i is being applied to various fields, including IT, OT, Edge Computing, IoT, Big Data, and Blockchain.

To date, MTP has participated in numerous European projects (ECSEL/ARTEMIS, FP7, FP6, Eurostars, ITEA) and national projects (Ministries, CDTI, Community of Madrid), resulting in significant achievements such as various prototypes for Smart Cities and Smart Manufacturing, the development of solutions for Improving SW Reliability (in fact, one was acquired by a Chinese company), and even the creation of a startup specializing in IoT.

Through the innovation of our own professional services, we help our clients optimize their costs and improve their own business processes and services within their modernization initiatives, which may include, among other things:

  • Automation of business processes and user tasks.
  • Integration of IoT into business processes.
  • Incorporation of ML and AI mechanisms into business.
  • Innovative security of SW applications and organizations.



If Henry Ford had asked his customers what they needed, they would have asked for "a faster horse" instead of "a car."