MTP ensures quality digital public services

MTP, the drive for the digital transformation of public administrations

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What do we do?

Quality assurance

Cover all phases of the business activity. From the design of software applications and tools to continuous improvement put into production through the implementation of the most advanced processes in Software Quality Assurance.

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User Experience

Having a good digital product is no longer a competitive advantage, but a necessity. Today users demand memorable experiences, and one of the biggest challenges for organizations is being able to offer them.

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MTP helps organizations to proactively detect and prevent vulnerabilities, through the proposal and implementation of the best solutions and practices in cybersecurity, especially focused on application security.

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Offer full coverage of the entire software life cycle in digital initiatives, resulting in business assurance and including mobile, e-business, multi-device applications...

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Consulting services

MTP offers advice and strategic solutions to clients, within the scope of the services offered by MTP, to optimize technology and make it more efficient for their business objectives.

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Kit Digital

MTP supports the digital transformation of your company. Discover with us the aid and all the opportunities that the Digital Kit offers you to boost your business.

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DInclusive es el certificado de accesibilidad digital de MTP. Este certificado dispone de cuatro niveles (básico, intermedio, avanzado y premium), siendo el intermedio el que se corresponde con el cumplimiento de la normativa europea.
Certifícate en accesibilidad digital y convierte cada experiencia en una oportunidad para todos.

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Porque queremos hacer el futuro más seguro, hemos creado Ciberso , una unidad operativa que ofrece un modelo de servicios de seguridad multidisciplinar, con una visión integral de protección a las organizaciones y una respuesta ágil al riesgo.


We work with the best companies


We help you to be trained

At Mtp we have designed a program of specialized training courses in tests, Requirements Engineering, UX, Development, Agile/Lean, Security and more.

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People are the key to our success

Join a great team of more than 650 professionals. Positive people, with a working spirit and eager to transform the world.

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(Programa MISIONES)


SOLSTICIA investiga para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo podemos construir sistemas inteligentes para que sean robustos y seguros en contextos complejos y ambiguos como los del dominio industrial, donde las posibles consecuencias de un ciberataque impactan en vidas o grandes pérdidas de negocio?

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Programa ITEA3

Proyecto I+D ENTA

MTP participa en el proyecto ENTA con el objetivo de colaborar en la detección de dispositivos extraños y no autorizados que, a través de IoT, puedan poner en riesgo la ciberseguridad de dispositivos y aplicaciones.

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The latest from the MTP’s blog

Contacta con nosotros

MTP Métodos y tecnología

Santa Leonor, 65 Edificio C Planta 4, 28037 Madrid

911 44 06 00

Contact us

If you need to contact us you can fill in the following form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Other contact forms:

+34 91 144 06 00

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