In the industry, many intelligent systems are being incorporated that need to be secured from the design stage if we do not want to increase the exposure surface to cyber-attacks.


Intelligent systems include both AI and non-AI components, making an intelligent system essentially a type of software system. All systems are vulnerable at some point, regardless of the time and rigor dedicated to their design and development.

AI systems are no different and are susceptible to cyber-attacks, sometimes with spectacular impacts on lives or significant business volumes. Developers of these intelligent systems are highly competent, but they unconsciously design and develop systems prone to vulnerabilities in all domains and use cases, even when operating in closely controlled development, laboratory, and test environments.

SOLSTICIA investigates to answer the question: How can we build intelligent systems to be robust and secure in complex and ambiguous contexts such as those in the industrial domain, where the potential consequences of a cyber-attack impact lives or significant business losses?



The general objectives of the project are:

  • OG1: Increase the cybersecurity of intelligent systems in industrial environments from design and throughout their development lifecycle, without compromising other reliability characteristics also required in the systems. Additionally, this increase in cybersecurity while maintaining reliability will be achieved without adversely affecting the costs of secure software development.
  • OG2: Research new challenges in the development lifecycle of intelligent systems, innovating in new technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms to minimize vulnerabilities and reduce defects from design and throughout the lifecycle. Additionally, address the quantification of cybersecurity and reliability holistically from design through development and operation.
  • OG3: Contrast research hypotheses through experimentation in different areas of development of intelligent and reliable systems for the operational contexts of Industry 4.0 and the railway industry.

This project is led by CAPGEMINI, in consortium with MTP, TSK, ATOS, PROXYA, COTESA, and THE REUSE COMPANY. The consortium collaborates with the Technological Center Tecnalia and the Polytechnic University of Madrid.